Penthouse Legacy
Founded in London by visionary publisher Bob Guccione in 1965, PENTHOUSE made a provocative entrance into the world of mainstream media with its very first issue, which was audaciously sent to priests, convents, and members of Parliament. By 1968, PENTHOUSE had surpassed Playboy in sales, thanks to its racy imagery and unabridged coverage of the Vietnam War, prompting Guccione to move the magazine to the United States.
From its new headquarters in New York City, PENTHOUSE quickly established itself as a fearless voice for Americans, unflinchingly exposing religious and governmental hypocrisy. The magazine never shied away from a compelling story, and throughout the 1980s and '90s, it was responsible for revealing the scandalous sexcapades of televangelist Jerry Falwell, the numerous sexual liaisons of the renowned minister Jimmy Swaggart, and the shocking scandal that rocked the Clinton White House. In 1995, PENTHOUSE was one of only three recipients, alongside The New York Times and the Washington Post, to receive the infamous Manifesto penned by Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber.
With its headquarters now in Los Angeles and additional offices in New Orleans and Prague, PENTHOUSE continues to publish its iconic magazine both in the United States and internationally and provides television networks and websites worldwide with captivating new broadcast content every month. Brand expansion into product licensing, live entertainment, and the hospitality industry continue to further solidify its position as a pioneering force in the adult entertainment industry.